周一至周五 9:00 - 17:00

创新大学英语 综合教程 学生用书 第一册(第2版)


作者:欣羚 易红 汪春阳 出版社:华东师范大学出版社

售价 : ¥36.80
定价 : ¥46.00

图书编号 : 2018070610253100001 ISBN号 : 9787567545823

数量 :
  • 创新高职英语基础教程综合1 自主学习用书(第三版)

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  • 创新大学英语 综合教程 学生用书 第四册(第2版)

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  • 数学爱好者高考冲刺专辑(文科)2022版

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  • 创新大学英语读写译教程3学生用书(第二版)

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  • 数学爱好者高考冲刺专辑(理科)2022版

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  • 创新大学英语 综合教程 学生用书 第三册(第2版)

    ¥36.80 ¥46.00

  • 创新大学英语阅读教程2册(第二版)学生用书

    ¥24.00 ¥30.00

  • 创新大学英语 综合教程 学生用书 第二册(第2版)

    ¥36.80 ¥46.00

出版社:华东师范大学出版社 ISBN:9787567545823 作者:欣羚 易红 汪春阳 商品编码:2018070610253100001 出版日期:2016-07 印刷日期: 刷次: 开数: 正文语音: 页码:

Unit 1  All on Board  

Part One Lead-in

Part Two Intensive Reading  

Text A College Dorm Life  

Text B Peer Group Pressure

Part Three Listening Comprehension  

Part Four Oral Practice  

Unit 2  Lost in Communication

Part One Lead-in

Part Two Intensive Reading  

Text A New Age Communication or a Lack of It  

Text B Communication — Differences Between Men and Women  

Part Three Listening Comprehension  

Part Four Oral Practice  

Unit 3  Celebrity — a Glory or Mess?  

Part One Lead-in

Part Two Intensive Reading  

Text A Being a Star is Not That Easy  

Text B Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.  

Part Three Listening Comprehension  

Part Four Oral Practice  

Unit4  The World Beyond

Part One Lead-in

Part Two Intensive Reading  

Text A An Unexpected Journey  

Text B  Days in the Scandinavian Wilderness

Part Three Listening Comprehension  

Part Four Oral Practice  

Unit 5  Rest Makes No Waste

Part One Lead-in

Part Two Intensive Reading  

Text A Let the Body Rest, for the Sake of the Brain  

Text B Junk Food vs. Healthy Nutrition for Children

Part Three Listening Comprehension  

Part Four Oral Practice  

Unit 6  Courtesy Costs Nothing  

Part One Lead-in

Part Two Intensive Reading  

Text A A Smile Matters

Text B Trust

Part Three Listening Comprehension  

Part Four Oral Practice  

Unit 7  Give Earth a Chance  

Part One Lead-in

Part Two Intensive Reading  

Text A Water, Water Everywhere?  

Text B Fresh Air Will Kill You

Part Three Listening Comprehension  

Part Four Oral Practice  

Unit 8  From Here to There

Part One Lead-in

Part Two Intensive Reading  

Text A Public Transportation Expands Around the World  

Text B Cycling — Why You Should Consider Taking a Bike to Work  

Part Three Listening Comprehension  

Part Four Oral Practice  
